Tag: logistics

  • Understanding production chains

    Understanding production chains

    We always talk about the supply chain, the value chain, production chains, but we rarely take the time to stop and think about what these different chains mean in practice. In this post, we are going to demystify production chains, how they relate and what they have to do with us, consumers of the final…

  • Scheduling problems

    Scheduling problems

    Scheduling problems appear in several industries. A manufacturing company must decide the sequence and machines used in the production process of each product; a delivery company must decide on the sequence of customers to visit; a transportation company must determine which of its vehicles to use in the trips. Take an airline company for instance. How many…

  • The ABC analysis and classification

    The ABC analysis and classification

    The ABC analysis is one of the tools the most used in logistics and needs to be well understood. The ABC analysis, also called the ABC Classification or Pareto Theorem (named after its creator), was born when he realized that 80% of the wealth was in the hands of only 20% of the population. This…

  • Logistics costs – what costs compose it?

    Logistics costs – what costs compose it?

    Many people who study and work with logistics sometimes have difficulty defining what logistics is and what makes up the logistics process. Be sure to understand that in our post “What is logistics?”. For a company, it is essential to know where the money is going, and understanding the structure of logistics costs is essential…

  • History and evolution of logistics

    History and evolution of logistics

    To understand the concept of logistics and how it affects business competitiveness, we need to understand the history and evolution of logistics management. This management comprises not only the flow of materials, but many other logistics functions that we will discuss in detail here on EasyLogistics.site. History of industrialization The first industrial revolution was also…

  • What is logistics?

    What is logistics?

    Here on EasyLogistics.site we approach the most different aspects of logistics, but we seldom stop to think and define what logistics really is. More importantly, we now describe what types of real-life problems companies can solve through good and integrated logistics management. Today, logistics is an art and a science, dedicated to doing whatever it…